Lasco Enterprises and Laura and Jerry Lasco

Laura and Jerry Lasco are in the restaurant business — not one but nine very successful restaurants and growing. Lasco Enterprises came to life after 9/11 when Jerry, a former airline pilot, knew he wanted to do something different with his life. He and Laura loved wine, so the business started with a wine tasting restaurant and expanded from there, as they tested different concepts.
As successful entrepreneurs, they knew they were on their way to someplace exciting. Jerry focused on the food and wine. Laura, an attorney, takes care of, as she says “a little of everything else.”
They knew they needed the right partners to help support their business in the major areas, particularly in the financial and accounting support area. While they tried to be very selective about whom they hired, they found some of the first companies they used provided tactical services not strategic support. Growing their business needed someone who thought like they did and partnered with them.
Then they went searching for the right teammate. A trusted colleague suggested they meet with Brian and the MGA team. Oh my — what a difference.
MGA just didn’t continue doing compliance work the way others had done it in the past. “They took the time to evaluate our business and structure and found mistakes and opportunities that saved us tens of thousands of dollars.”
MGA considered the long-term goals and helped structure a new venture in a way that would provide the most flexibility and provided the best planning for their long-term estate — and, as Laura admits, “that is something we hadn’t even considered. Brian is always ready to meet with us and has become a wonderful friend, a partner in our success together.”
Most important for Laura and Jerry is that feeling that MGA is a partner that they can bounce ideas off of and get honest, accurate feedback about plans, allowing them to think forward.
To learn more about Lasco Enterprises, click here.