PFS Group

Jeff Gorski has been building revenue cycle solutions for healthcare systems for over 25 years. Complexity comes with his industry. Just ask anyone about that hospital bill you received for your surgery or your baby’s delivery.
As he will tell you, “revenue cycle is as complex a payment system as there is.” But his company, PFS Group, founded in 2005, has become one of the most successful, fastest-growing patient account management companies in the nation.
By combining experienced professionals with cutting-edge technology and top-notch processes, Jeff and PFS Group deliver outstanding results for its hospital partners.
He understands how to make the complexity surrounding billing and collections for hospitals more clear and understandable for patients. PFS’s job is to ensure that hospitals have outstanding reputations and their patients and the public see them as leading the way towards better revenue solutions.
MGA works closely with Jeff as he builds his business. Jeff is always asking us "what can you do for me?". We are already thinking forward with him. MGA is far more than his accounting firm — we are his business advisor and confidant. Always ready to think with him about how to keep growing, we find us sitting on a plane together flying to talk to others, so we find innovative solutions for PFS.
Some of the ways we work with clients like Jeff include:
- The direction and long-term vision for the business
- Business structuring, tax planning, and process review
- Estate and gift planning
- Business expansion and location consultation
- Assurance services
To learn more about PFS group, click here.